SENIORS Needed to Volunteer at Local Schools

Did you know? UTAH RANKS #1 IN VOLUNTEERISM FOR THE 4th YEAR IN A ROW. In times of economic stress, do something rewarding, which helps others, as well as yourself. Now might be a great time in your life to volunteer at a local school. Help children simply by listening to them unlock the words in a book. Give an hour a week, or an hour a day, it’s up to you. Whatever time you have to give, the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program can make it work for you. We will match you with a school near your home, at a time convenient to your schedule. If you are already volunteering at a school, please let me know, or if you would like a placement at one of the schools, please call me and I will find you one.

If you are 55+ and want to volunteer, contact Bonnie Wright at 229-3820 or Jean Hatch at 229-3810.


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